I am officially a Certified Health Coach and I truly couldn’t be more excited. I have always had a passion for overall health and wellness, but it has been completely reignited by taking courses at the Integrative Institute of Nutrition.

I have always enjoyed being active and trying out different forms of physical activity, whether that be hiking, walking, running, cycling, HIIT classes, yoga, pilates - you name it, I’ve probably tried it. I love getting creative in the kitchen and cooking my own meals, experimenting with new recipes and trying different combinations of herbs and spices. I have recently begun prioritizing self-care into my life by incorporating daily meditation and/or journaling every morning followed by my skincare routine.
I have felt like an outcast for the past few years. It’s not “normal” to want to eat a quinoa salad over pizza. It’s not “normal” to want to go exercise on the weekends instead of going out drinking with your friends. Don’t get me wrong, I love going out and having a good time and it is necessary, but I have begun to realize it is not as high on my priority list. I feel as though I have a different calling in my life at this time.
Going through these courses has made me realize it should be normal to want to choose the healthier options in life, and we need more people in today’s world advocating for it.
The U.S. obesity rates have hit an all-time high, and it is now known as a public health crisis. Obesity is a growing epidemic; 1 in 3 Americans (more than 100 million people) are obese, which is the leading cause of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes and many types of cancer. The most terrifying thing is the rates are not going down.

I am becoming a certified health coach to guide those looking to find balance in their lives in all aspects: food, physical activity, relationships, work-life balance, self-care, spirituality, etc.
Living a healthy & balanced lifestyle isn’t just about the foods that we consume, but more importantly about the things that fuel us off the plate, like our daily routines and what we prioritize and make time for in life.
Living a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be boring and doesn’t mean going on a diet or completely eating “clean” and never drinking or going out with your friends again. It means finding balance in your life, whatever that looks like to you, and adding fruits, vegetables, and self-care in whenever possible to help our bodies thrive.
I am here to provide support, tips, tricks & plant-based recipes that I guarantee you will love. I am here to provide food freedom to those that have struggled in the past & find what foods work best for you!
We are all uniquely different. I am here to guide you to find what balance looks like in your life so you can show up as the best version of yourself, not only for you, but for those that love and surround you.
I am thrilled to announce I am able to start seeing clients now. I will get my health coach certification in September 2020. Feel free to reach out with any questions or schedule a free Health History Consultation with me. I would absolutely love to chat more if you are interested!
What is holding you back from living the life you deserve?
xoxo Holly